Call for Papers |
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THE SUBMISSION DEADLINE HAS PASSED ASWN 2003 is the third workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks. The first two events were held in France, and in 2003 the workshop will take place in the capital of Switzerland. ASWN 2003 aims at investigating new developments in wireless networks focusing on applications and services. The workshop will provide three-day presentations of invited and regular papers from manufacturers, academia, and services providers. Authors are invited to submit full technical papers on both theoretical and practical aspects of the ambit of the workshop.Tutorial proposals are also requested.TopicsSpecific areas of interest in Applications and Services on Wireless Networks include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
PapersProspective authors are invited to submit for review, papers that neither have been previously published nor are under review by another conference or journal. Priority will be given for original contributions describing recent and innovative research results or developments in the scope of the workshop.Papers must be written in English, using font no smaller than 10 points and not exceed 10 pages. Only PDF and PostScript formats will be accepted, and all submissions will be handled electronically. Further details on submission procedures will be described soon on the workshop main page as Instructions for submission TutorialsProposals for tutorials including content description and CV of the presenter should be sent to the Local Arrangements Chair.PublicationsAccepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Additionally, the best papers of the workshop will be considered for publication in a special issue of Elsevier's Computer Communications Journal. Click Here for more detailsImportant DeadlinesFull Paper submission (Extended): March 10, 2003Notification of Acceptance: April 22, 2003 Camera Ready: May 15, 2003 OrganizationThe workshop will be organized by the Computer Networks and Distributed Systems Group from the Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the University of Berne. The workshop will be held in the campus of the university and appropriate facilities will be made available for the participants. Here there are some pictures from the venue. |