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Mobile IP Telephony (MIPTel) and Mobile IP Quality-of-Service(MobiQoS)


The Mobile IP Telephony (MIPTel) project started in October 1999 and is being funded by SNF. The project aims to develop adaptive telephony applications over DiffServ IP networks. The audio applications shall take advantage of DiffServ services in order to decrease packet loss and delay in mobile and wireless network environments. The project is directly linked with a research activity called Mobile IP Quality-of-Service (MobiQoS) which is performed in collaboration with INRIA Rhone Alpes and ENST (Ecole National Superieure de Telecommunication) Bretagne. Several workshops have been held to discuss and exchange the research results of the different partners in the area of integrating mobile communication environments and QoS-enabling Internet technologies such as Differentiated and Integrated Services. Problems with the integration of Differentiated Services and Mobile IP have been analysed. This analysis forms a basis for common future research work.

Project Details

Titles: Mobile IP Telephony (MIPTel)
Mobile IP Quality-of-Service (MobiQoS)
Research Staff: Günther Stattenberger, Matthias Scheidegger
Funding: MIPTel: Swiss National Science Foundation Project No. 2100-057077.99/1
MobiQoS: Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA)
Homepage: MobiQoS
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