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ANAISOFT was a project in the 2nd phase of the SNF CNEC (Competence Network Electronic Commerce) programme. Academic project partners have been the Universities of Zurich and Geneva, EPF Lausanne, and ETH Zurich. In addition, several non-academic partners collaborated within the project: Etat de Vaud, SER Systeme A.G., Swisscom, Swissmetro, TheNet - Internet Services AG. The RVS group provided several mechanisms to set up and monitor mobile virtual private networks. In particular, scalable resource provisioning mechanisms for DiffServ VPNs have been designed and evaluated. Monitoring mechanisms based on Java agent technology have been developed and implemented. The monitoring mechanisms are able to monitor whether the parameters negotiated in a service level agreement (SLA) such as delay, bandwidth, and security features such as strong encryption and authentication can really be provided by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) to the customer. The SLA monitoring environment offers a secured interface for direct and generic IP network measurements to customers, peer providers or the ISPs own network management staff. Moreover, a concept called SecMIP (Secure Mobile IP) for providing VPN services to mobile users has been developed by integrating Mobile IP and IP Security protocols. In collaboration with Swisscom Corporate Technology (CT) a Linux prototype has been implemented to demonstrate the feasibility of SecMIP concept. SecMIP allows to keep an active IP communication even if the mobile nodes IP address is changing. For both the SLA monitoring work and the Mobile VPN demonstrators have been developed and successfully been presented at the final project site visit.
Title: | Anaisoft: Advanced Network and Agent Infrastructure for the Support of Federations of Workflow Trading Systems | Research Staff: | Manuel Günter, Ibrahim Khalil, Marc Danzeisen |
Partners: | University of Geneva (CUI), University of Bern (IAM), EPFL Lausanne (LEM), University of Zurich (IFI), Etat de Vaud, Departement des Infrastructures, SER Systeme A.G., TheNet - Internet Services AG |
Duration: | 01.2000 - 12.2001 state:completed |
Funding: | Swiss National Science Foundation Project No. 5003-057753/1 |
Index Terms: | Inter-organizational Workflow, Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce, Workflow Management Systems, Brokering, Mobile Intranet, Interoperability, VPN, QoS, Intelligent and Mobile Agents | Homepage: | Project Information |