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Contact: Islam Alyafawi
All files are available in the attachment below:
[1] To install gnuradio & dependencies follows instructions from docs/Installation guide (trusty).txt
[2] To install opencl drivers for AMD cards follows instructions from docs/AMDAPPSDK.txt (required by gr_filter-opencl)
[3] To install clfft follows instructions from docs/clfft.txt (required by gr_filter-opencl)
The proposed channelizers were tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (trusty) 64 bit.
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig
There is one benchmark for each filter:
$python pfb_bench_xxx.py nchannels
ZIP archive of GNURadio AVX2-FMA and GPU Channelizers (May 2015)