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Summer Retreat 2005


The research group ”Computer Networks and Distributed Systems” of the Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the University of Bern, headed by Prof. Torsten Braun, organized an internal retreat from June 27-30, 2005 at Griesalp / Kiental. The focus of this retreat was to present and discuss recent research results and currently ongoing research activities of the research group members. The research group members gave eleven presentations, most of them in the areas overlay networks, wireless mesh and ad hoc networks as well as sensor networks. Extensive time (typically 90 minutes per talk) has been allocated to allow detailed presentations and discussions. This technical report summarizes the various talks and describes mostly unpublished work that is currently in progress.


The event took place at the Hotel Griesalp in Kiental, CH-3723, Switzerland


.pdf .doc .html


By Attila

By Kusi

Overlay and Peer-to-Peer Networks
1 Dipl. phil. nat. Marc Brogle and Dragan Milić
MC-FTP: A Multicast File Transfer Protocol for Efficient Data Dissemination
2 Dipl. phil. nat. Marc Brogle and Dragan Milić
EuQoS Multicast Middleware: Basic Architecture Overview and Concepts
3 Dipl. phil. nat. Dragan Milić
Landmark Positions in an n-Dimensional, Virtual Space
4 Dipl. phil. nat. Matthias Scheidegger
New Results in the XBAC Project
Wireless Mesh and Ad hoc Networks
5 Dipl. phil. nat. Thomas Staub
Wireless Mesh Networks
6 Dipl. phil. nat. Marc Danzeisen
Setup of Simulations on Heterogeneous Networking with CAHN
7 Dipl. phil. nat. Attila Weyland
Cooperation in Multi-hop Wireless Networks
Sensor Networks
8 Prof. Dr. Torsten Braun
TCP Support for Sensor Nodes
9 Dipl. phil. nat. Markus Waelchli
Distributed Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
10 Dipl. phil. nat. Thomas Bernoulli
Positioning in Wireless Sensor Networks
Fund Raising with EU Projects
11 Dr. Marc-Alain Steinemann
Background Information to EU Projects
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