Next Generation Research Networks: Design Space, Example Projects, Expected Features

Simon Leinen

Research networks are mission-specific data telecommunication infrastructures that support research in the widest sense of the word. We outline several criteria along with the design space for such networks can be organized, emphasizing the tension between different notions of optimality. We argue that the end-to-end principle still plays a useful role for guiding designers of research networks. Next, several ongoing projects for research networks in different countries are presented. Finally, we present differentiated services and multicast as two network functions that potentially benefit large sets of applications.

Keywords: research networks, end-to-end principle, differentiated services, multicast, virtual private networks.

Simon Leinen works as a network engineer for SWITCH, a non-profit foundation with the mission to provide telecommunications services for Swiss higher education community. SWITCH operates an IP network to
provide Internet connectivity to the universities and selected research institutions in Switzerland. The author can be reached by e-mail under