Dr. Marc Alain Steinemann
From April 2000 to December 2005 I worked at this position.
If you have questions related to any of the projects I was involved you
can send an email to the group secretary.
If you would like to contact me personnaly you can find my contacts at:
Past Projects/Activities
- Workpackage leader (WP6) of the
European project "End-to end Quality of Service support over
heterogeneous networks" (EuQoS)
- Coordinator of the project
"Virtual Internet and Telecommunications Laboratory of Switzerland" (VITELS)
- Member of the Swiss AAI Advisory
Committee SWITCH
- Coordinator of the project
"Operation System Laboratory of Switzerland" (OS Lab)
- Project Leader of the AAI Portal
Research Interests
- Distributed Internet architectures
for e-learning
- Attachment of third party devices
for laboratory based
e-learning (remote controlling)
- Authentication and Authorization
Infrastructures (AAI),
especially generic access portals
- Didactic aspects of e-learning and
distance collaboration
- Dynamic e-learning courses
- Communication systems for the next
generation Internet
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